In Negotiations, What Does Your Batna Help to Determine?

BATNA Significant

BATNA or Best Culling to a Negotiated Agreement is the term that determines the alternative in case of failure of a negotiation deal to keep the business concern going and salve the business from unavoidable cost later on proper evaluation of alternatives and negotiating the deal in the all-time possible way for the settlement.


The best alternative to a Negotiated Agreement is the strategy to be prepared by whatever business arrangement before entering into a negotiation bargain. It is done to decide the importance of negotiations and analyze the best possible alternative if negotiation fails. For example, suppose the best possible alternative is bachelor at a cost lower than the negotiated toll. In that case, the buyer first tries to convince the seller to the maximum price the buyer is willing to pay. And the maximum cost that the buyer agrees to pay is Heir-apparent's BATNA.

Similarly, the seller will analyze the minimum value of the negotiated deal before inbound into negotiations. If the buyer offers a price lower than the deal'due south minimum value analyzed by the buyer, so negotiations are more likely to fail. The minimum value analyzed by the seller is the sellers' BATNA. The analysis of current and futurity situations, availability of the All-time possible alternatives, and the valuation of the deal entering into for negotiation are iii bones components.


Roger Fisher and William Ury developed the Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement in 1981 through their book named "Getting to Aye; Negotiating without Giving In." In the volume, they explain the concept of BATNA by explaining that it is the best possible adjacent step if the negotiations fail and also the importance of analyzing the best possible alternative and alternating plan. Nash Equilibrium Nash equilibrium is a game theory concept that helps in determining the optimum solution in a social state of affairs (too referred to the as non-cooperative game), wherein the participants don't accept any incentive in changing their initial strategy. read more too explains the importance of negotiation when no alternative is available in the book named game theory.

Features of BATNA


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  • Aid in Determining the Importance of Negotiation: It helps decide the best alternative in an unsuccessful negotiation deal. If no alternative is available or the toll of the alternative is more than the current cost of the deal. Then information technology helps in determining the importance of the negotiation deal.
  • Clarify the Best Culling: It helps to analyze the best alternative from all available alternatives to gain the maximum.
  • Helps to Reduce the Unavoidable Cost: Information technology also helps determine the maximum value the buyer can pay for the deal. The best alternative is available for the heir-apparent to cut the unnecessary, avoidable cost.
  • Determines the Strategies for Negotiations: Best Culling to a Negotiated Agreement also aids in determining the strategies for the negotiations to brand the bargain successful at the price beneficial for both heir-apparent and seller.

Example of BATNA

Mr. John has decided to buy the second-mitt car for which he went to the dealer to enquire about the price of the same. As per the dealer, the second-hand auto that matches Mr. John'due south requirements is bachelor at $3,000. And the same automobile is offered at $2,500 by the colleague of Mr. John. The minimum price Mr. John is willing to pay is $2,400. So, the buyer's settlement range is between $2,400 – $2,500. And dealers in the future tin sell the same automobile to another client at a minimum of $two,450. Now, the buyer's BATNA is $ii,500, and the seller'southward BATNA is $2,450. A negotiation bargain is possible within the range, i.e., $ii,450 – $ two,500.

Identifying BATNA

Identifying the following steps and actions are necessary:

  1. List out all the strategies to make the negotiation possible.
  2. Determine the maximum cost if negotiation is favorable.

List out all the options bachelor as Alternatives.

  1. Clarify the All-time possible Alternative.
  2. Analyze the cost of the Best Possible Alternative and compare it with the maximum toll of negotiation.
  3. If the price of the best possible culling is lower than the maximum cost of negotiation, and then the All-time Alternative is said to be BATNA.


It is vital in concern deals; the importance is explained as under:

  • It helps to analyze every aspect of business organization deals and the maximum cost involved.
  • Through BATNA, the unnecessary and avoidable business organisation toll tin can be reduced.
  • Explain the importance of negotiation deals and helps to decide the strategies to be used for negotiation.
  • It helps to find out the additional negotiation methods if the price of the Alternative is higher than the negotiation toll.
  • Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement explains the importance of analyzing current and future situations.


  • BATNA is used in many essential deals of business, like affiliation and mergers.
  • Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement is used for toll-effective do good.
  • It improves negotiation tact.
  • It explains the importance of a backup plan.
  • Determining BATNA aid in improving the analyzing skills;
  • All-time Culling to a Negotiated Agreement is useful for every blazon of organisation.
  • It ensures the business operations would non be affected in case of failure of a negotiation deal.
  • Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement improves the efficiency of the business organizations.


  • Analyzing BATNA increases the price of business organization, like research and valuation costs.
  • Determining the Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement process is circuitous.
  • Skillful Knowledge and high-level feel are required for determining BATNA.
  • The take a chance of a wrong selection of choice is involved.
  • Its determination is a time-consuming procedure.
  • Calculation of BATNA doesn't consider the futurity uncertainties.


BATNA, i.eastward., Best Alternative to a Negotiated Understanding, is a term used to make up one's mind the culling plans if the negotiation or current plans fail. Ensures the smooth conduct of business organisation. It is toll-effective every bit through proper conclusion of BATNA, the unavoidable cost can exist reduced, and the organization'due south turn a profit tin be improved. It also explains the importance of a fill-in plan in business organisation to keep stakeholders' faith. Information technology likewise improves analyzing skills and negotiation skills. Determines the best possible alternative if negotiation becomes unsuccessful. It also determines the importance of the negotiation bargain to become the deal, and boosted strategies can be framed. Just sometimes, the decision becomes a complicated and fourth dimension-consuming process and requires the good to decide the BATNA to preclude futurity losses.

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This article has been a guide to BATNA and its meaning. Here nosotros discuss features, examples, importance, and identifying Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement and advantages and disadvantages. You lot may acquire more about financing from the following articles –

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  • Merger and Acquisition Strategy
  • Anchoring and Adjustment


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